Home Generator Repair – How to Keep Your Home Generator Ready For Power When the Lights Go Out


Home generators are great for providing power during emergencies, but they require regular maintenance and repair to function properly. Keeping up with these repairs can help you avoid major problems in the future.

Exercise your generator at least once a month by turning it on and plugging in something with a high current load. This will ensure that the generator functions correctly and alert you to any issues now rather than waiting for an emergency. Check out https://actiongenerator.net/ to learn more.

Fuel problems

Home generators provide power when you need it most, but they are not immune to problems. These include fuel, coolant, and oil leaks and clogged lines. Homeowners should watch out for these problems and have them fixed promptly to prevent them from becoming worse and to ensure that their generators are ready when the lights go out.

Fuel Problems

If your generator is leaking fuel, it is important to call a professional for help right away. This issue can lead to expensive repairs, so it is important to catch it early. Fuel leaks often occur because of the generator’s base tank being overfilled. In other cases, it can be due to the generator’s pump system malfunctioning or simply human error. In either case, the professional will need to check and refuel the generator correctly to fix this issue.

Coolant Issues

Coolant is an essential part of your generator’s operation, as it works to keep the engine from overheating by dispersing heat throughout the machine. If the coolant levels are low, it is likely due to a leak or damage to the radiator or hoses. This is another issue that can easily be prevented with routine maintenance and fluid level checks.

Unusual Sounds

If you are hearing strange noises while using your generator, this is a red flag and should be addressed immediately. Chattering, popping, and metal-on-metal sounds can all indicate that a generator part is beginning to fail. A sputtering sound can also be a sign that the generator’s fuel mixture is wrong.

Clogged fuel lines are a common problem that can cause generators to shut down or stop working. They can be caused by a number of issues, including a faulty fuel valve or vacuum relief valve, or by air in the line. It is important to clean and replace your filters regularly to avoid this issue. These are just some of the most common problems that homeowners can face with their standby generators, but they can be easily prevented with proper maintenance and regular inspections by a professional. Homeowners should expect to spend a few hundred dollars or more on repair costs, depending on the severity of the damage and the type of replacement parts needed.

Battery failure

A home generator is a valuable investment that can save homeowners in the event of power outages or emergencies. However, like any machine, it is prone to breakdowns and other issues that require repair. Performing routine maintenance on a generator can help prevent these issues from occurring and ensure that it is ready to provide power when needed.

One common issue that can affect a generator is fuel problems. This may include problems with the fuel tank, fuel lines or fuel filter. It is important to regularly check the fuel levels and filter of a generator to ensure that they are in good condition. It is also a good idea to have the generator inspected by a professional who can perform more detailed checks and repairs.

Another problem that can occur with a home generator is battery failure. This can be caused by a number of things, including a lack of regular recharging, poor ventilation, corrosion or a build-up of lead sulfates on the battery plates. In addition, loose terminal connections and cable studs can cause a battery to run out of charge. It is important to have these connections checked and tightened periodically.

Other common issues that can affect a home generator are cooling system problems and overheating. Overheating can be caused by a number of things, such as low coolant levels, blocked air inlets or exhaust leaks. It is important to regularly check the coolant level of a generator and to clean any air inlets to avoid overheating.

A generator that is overheating can lead to a number of problems, including melted bearings and warped crankshafts. This can be very expensive to fix and should be avoided at all costs.

A generator that is overheating can also be caused by a number of other factors, including low spark plugs and dirty air filters. It is important to keep these parts clean and replace them when necessary. Another option is to upgrade the generator to a newer model, which can offer a range of benefits, including increased efficiency and safety features.

Cooling system issues

Home generators are a great investment for homeowners who want to make sure that they have power in the event of a power outage or emergency. However, like any other machine, they are not immune to problems that may require repair. Understanding what issues can occur with a generator and knowing when to seek professional help can save homeowners time and money in the long run.

The cooling system on a generator is important for regulating the temperature of the engine and protecting it from damage during extreme temperatures. If the coolant system becomes damaged or leaks, it can lead to a variety of problems with the generator, including overheating and even engine failure.

Leaking coolant is a common problem that should always be addressed immediately, as it indicates that there is an issue with the radiator or cooling system. This can be caused by a number of things, including a loose component that has become loose due to the vibrations of the generator, as well as standard degradation from regular use over time. In addition, cheaper products that are used during maintenance or service calls that do not fit properly can also cause this type of problem.

Another issue that can affect the cooling system is a dirty air filter. This can allow dirt and debris to get into the engine and erode the components. It is important to change the air filter regularly to prevent this from happening.

One of the most common problems with a generator is an issue with its control panel. Many people do not know how to navigate the controls of a generator, and it is easy for them to get confused or accidentally make changes that can be harmful. A skilled technician can diagnose and fix this problem quickly.

In this age of YouTube, it is tempting for people to try to fix their own generators instead of calling a professional. While there are some things that a homeowner can do themselves, such as adding oil or replacing the battery, it is always best to call a professional when a problem arises. This will ensure that the problem is fixed properly and that the generator is ready to function when it is needed most.


Home generators are great investments for homeowners to help ensure that their homes can continue to run smoothly during a power outage or emergency. However, just like any other machine, generators can experience problems that need to be addressed quickly in order to prevent the problem from worsening and potentially costing more money down the road. These issues include fuel problems, battery failure, cooling system issues, and overheating.

When a generator is overheating, it is essential to check the coolant levels and add more if needed. If the overheating continues to occur, it may be due to a variety of other issues, such as dirty coolant clogging the radiator core or a damaged drive belt or hose. These issues can also cause lasting damage to the generator’s rotor and bearings, which will increase the overall price of home generator repair in the long run.

It is also important to make sure that there is a clear working area around the generator. This includes making sure that trees, shrubs, and other debris are not blocking the exhaust. Lastly, it is important to check the area on a regular basis for trash and other debris that may block the vents and restrict air flow on windy days.

If the generator is experiencing an overheating issue, it is crucial to contact a professional for immediate home generator repair. Attempting to fix the issue on your own can be dangerous and result in further damage to the generator. A professional will be able to identify and address the issue promptly, ensuring that your generator is safe and ready to provide power in the event of a power outage or emergency.

If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of whole house generators, or you are having an issue with your existing backup generator and need it repaired, give us a call! We are experts in the field of standby power and can help you keep your generator running smoothly for years to come. We offer comprehensive servicing plans for your backup power systems, so you can rest assured that your equipment is always in good condition.