Laser Hair Removal Langley is an effective, safe, noninvasive way to reduce unwanted facial or body hair. The heat from the laser damages the hair follicle so it no longer produces hair.

The procedure can be uncomfortable, but it isn’t as painful as waxing or shaving. Many patients compare the sensation to a rubber band snapping against the skin or a sunburn-like sting.
Laser Hair Removal is a quick procedure that uses light to remove unwanted hair from the skin. The laser is targeted at the hair follicle, which is located beneath the surface of your skin. The follicle is damaged and eventually destroyed, and after several treatment sessions it should not grow hair. Some follicles can regenerate after a period of time, but laser treatments are effective for most people to permanently reduce hair growth or make it infrequent.
The process is relatively painless for most people. Before treatment begins, the area to be treated is cleaned and a topical anesthetic cream may be applied. The practitioner will then apply the laser to the target area at a fluence level determined by patch testing. The laser’s beam passes through the epidermis and damages the melanin pigment of the hair follicle. This prevents the laser from damaging the surrounding skin, and it is possible to treat most areas of the body safely.
You should avoid plucking, waxing or bleaching the treatment area before and between laser treatments. These actions interfere with the laser’s ability to reach the follicle and disable it. It is also important to shave before a treatment, as the laser cannot treat hair that is too short or at a different color than your skin.
If you have tanned skin, it is best to wait for a few weeks or even months before having laser hair removal treatment. Tanned skin will not absorb the laser energy as well and could lead to side effects. It is important to select a dermatologist or cosmetic surgery center with an experienced medical aesthetician who understands your skin and which lasers are safe for it.
Laser hair removal offers many benefits to women and men who want to have a smoother, less hairy appearance. It is often faster than other hair-removal options, such as shaving and waxing, and it can help reduce ingrown hairs and the irritation caused by them. It is also a permanent solution to unwanted hair growth, though you will likely need several treatment sessions and occasional maintenance appointments in the future.
Getting Started
We all know that traditional hair removal methods like shaving, waxing, and sugaring are painful and expensive in the long run. Laser hair removal, however, can offer a permanent solution to unwanted hair growth and save you from the tedious task of shaving or waxing every day. It is important to choose a board-certified dermatologist who is trained to perform laser hair removal treatments. A physician with extensive experience in performing light therapies is better equipped to screen candidates and avoid complications from equipment-use errors that can be made by less experienced providers.
During your first treatment, you may experience redness or swelling. This is a normal inflammatory reaction and typically resolves within a few days. Icing and taking acetaminophen can help reduce these symptoms.
It is also important to keep the treated area out of the sun for two weeks before and after your laser hair removal session. This means no tanning beds and no self-tanners. You should also use a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily on the treatment area to protect it.
If you have been using a topical depilatories such as tweezers, waxing, or epilators, you should stop these methods two to three weeks before your laser treatment. These products disrupt the root of the hair follicle, so you will not be able to get the full benefit of your laser treatment.
Shaving the treatment area is encouraged, but it must be done properly so you do not irritate your skin or cut yourself. You should only shave the areas where you would like to have laser treatment performed. Shaving is the only form of hair removal that does not affect the effectiveness of your treatments.
It is also recommended to avoid using any creams or lotions on the treated area until it is healed. These items can affect the result of your laser treatments and may cause unwanted side effects such as skin darkening or lightening, blistering, or scarring. You should also avoid abrasive exfoliation for the same reason. If you do decide to exfoliate, you should do so gently on the treatment area the night before your appointment.
Using laser technology to permanently reduce unwanted hair growth, this advanced procedure has become a popular choice for many individuals. During a laser treatment, pigment in the hair follicle absorbs light from the laser beam and is converted into heat. This damages the follicle, which prevents it from growing new hair. Typically, 4-6 sessions are required to achieve optimal results. In the meantime, you can keep your skin healthy and ready for laser treatments by taking a few precautions.
Before your treatment, shave the area that will be treated. It is also a good idea to avoid plucking or waxing hairs in the area, as this can interfere with the hair growth cycle needed for an effective laser treatment. During your session, the technician will apply a topical numbing cream to the area to minimize discomfort. They will also adjust the laser equipment based on the thickness and location of the hair that will be targeted.
It is important to tell your laser professional about all the medications you are currently taking. This is because some prescription or over-the-counter medications can increase your photosensitivity, meaning that you are more susceptible to being burned by the laser during your treatment. Common medications that increase photosensitivity include antibiotics, birth control, and acne treatment.
You should also avoid sun exposure in the days leading up to your appointment. This is because laser hair removal doesn’t work well on tanned skin. You should also avoid chemical peels or microdermabrasion in the area, as these can irritate your skin and could impact your results.
After your treatment, you may experience some redness and swelling. To help soothe these symptoms, you can apply aloe vera to the area. It is recommended that you continue to use this aloe after your treatment for 2-3 days, as it can help with any redness or swelling that may occur following your treatment. It is also a good idea to use sunscreen whenever you go out in the sun. The sun’s UVA and UVB rays can damage your skin, so it is important to protect it.
You will see a significant reduction in unwanted hair after just one laser treatment. The number of treatments needed will depend on your skin and hair type, as well as the area being treated. For example, the face and bikini area require more sessions than the legs or underarms. The results are permanent, though touch-up sessions yearly are recommended to maintain the effectiveness of the treatment.
The first thing you should do is avoid epilation (waxing, plucking, or shaving) in the area that will be treated for 6 weeks prior to your session. You should also limit your sun exposure as laser treatments do not work well on tanned skin. You will receive a numbing gel on the treatment area prior to your laser appointment, which helps reduce any discomfort you may experience.
A laser technician will then apply a protective gel to your skin before starting the procedure. It is important to follow your doctor’s instructions for pre and post-procedure care. You should also avoid any tanners or tanning beds before your appointment, as they interfere with the laser’s ability to target hair follicles.
You may have a slight burning sensation as the laser beam passes through the skin, but this usually only lasts for a few seconds. Some people can experience a more severe burn, which could require medical attention. Unwanted side effects, such as hypo- or hyper-pigmentation, flaking, and scabbing, are less common but can occur. If you do experience these side effects, they may be a sign that your laser settings need to be adjusted for your skin type.
Laser Hair Removal is a safe and effective way to remove unwanted hair on any part of the body. It is an excellent alternative to traditional depilation methods like shaving, tweezing, waxing, and chemical depilatories. It can be a huge time-saver and money-saver as well, especially when you consider that the average woman spends 80 days in her lifetime shaving and over $10,000 on shaving products! You can finally get rid of the daily chore of shaving, tweezing, and waxing, and enjoy smoother skin that is free from the irritation caused by unwanted hair.